The Start

I’ve setup this journal to track and share my adventures in the world of cross-stitching and any other crafts that I may take up in the future.

I’ve been stitching since April 2003. Unlike other hobbies that came and went, it seems that cross-stitching is here to stay. I’ll share my first project and it’s story in a future post.

Over time I discovered that my favourite patterns are samplers. I’ve been dreaming of designing beautiful and complex samplers for years. For now, I content myself with stitching a sampler per year. I’ll share pictures of those with you as well.

Since I become a full time working mother I haven’t had much time for myself or for my stitching. As illogical as this may sound, the lack of time actually encouraged me to start designing simple patterns. Designs which I can work on during those rare and brief moments of quiet time. I hope to make most of them available once I have 6 patterns that I am happy with and figure out how to do it.

I intend to post once or twice a month to share pictures and news about my crafty projects. Don’t be surprised if some cooking, writing or photography sneaks in now and then.

Let the fun begin!

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