2nd World Wide WIP Wednesday

The goal is to reduce the number of UFOs we have stashed away. How it works:

* Select a UFO and work on it for at least 15min (more time is even better). Participation can happen anytime on Wednesday (based on your time zone).
* Working on the UFO automatically turns it into a WIP.
* You can continue to work on it through the week if you want to.
* Next Wednesday you can continue with the same project or pick a different UFO.
* Anything towards finishing the project counts: stitching, sorting threads, unpicking a mistake, finishing the stitching into a pillow, framing, looking for the UFO or parts thereof, etc.
* If you find “why-did-I-start-this” UFOs… get rid of them! Either give them to someone who likes them or repurpose the materials if you can. That also counts for WIP Wednesday.
* Those rare people that dont have UFOs can join too and work on their neglected WIPs!
* Or if you only have 1 WIP: Please volunteer to finish some of my projects. No, just kidding! Simply work on your WIP an extra 15min at least.
* For those busy bees who are stitching to a deadline (Christmas, birth announcements, etc)… use this as an oporttunity to either get lots done on your deadline stitching. Or, even better, use it as an opportunity to stitch something for your own pleasure!
* You are encouraged to post pictures of your UFO and update when finished (let us know how long it took to finish once you picked it up again). Updates at the end of just 15 min work are not really needed unless you stitch with machine like speed… better spend the time it would take to post an update picture stitching. Of course, updates at major milestones are welcome!

Questions? Feel free to comment or contact me…

Now get stitching!

As for me, I’ll continue to work on Summer in My Garden!

3 thoughts on “2nd World Wide WIP Wednesday

  1. Hi, I’m so glad to have found you! I will be posting my first WIP on Wednesday. My goal for 2012 is 500 hours of stitching so I can use all the motivation, lol!


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